Adding a copyright symbol to footer in HTML:
© or ©
<p>copy; 2024</p>
<footer><p>© 2024</p></footer>
Making text strong
Making text italicized
Keyboard Shortcuts
Open browsing history Ctrl + H
Open download history Ctrl + J
Setting the text direction to "right-to-left"
<p class="rtl"> مرحبا بك فى موقعنا</p>
p.rtl {
direction: rtl;
Inserting a horizontal line in HTML – HR Tag
Adding <hr> only creates a normal horizontal line.
Adding style to <hr> gives you control over the width,color,and size.
<hr width="100%" color="black" size="2px">
<hr style="border-width:0;background-color:red;height:2px">
CSS font-family Property
font-family: "Arial,Times New Roman"
Others you can use: Bell MT, Calibri, Chiller, Constantia, Pristina, Elephant, Eras Demi ITC, forte, Georgia, Impact, Magneto, mangal, Mistral, Monotype Corsiva, MV Boli